iTunes Canada

Friday Top 5: Bands you need to listen to Part 5!!

Once again we come back to the ultimate in Bands you need to listen to! This time around I have selected 5 amazing bands/artists that are amazing and I am currently loving hardcore. If you need to catch up, no worries, here are the links and they'll all open in new windows so you won't lose your spot!

I am very excited about this list, so lets just get rolling right into it!

5. The Modern Traditional 

Coming in at #5 and representing my home town is The Modern Traditional. I friggin' love the sound these guys have created and can't wait to hear more. This is what the radio needs more of. Follow them now and get in while you can folks. 

4. The Show 

Now one would expect with such a name as The Show, they would have one hell of an awesome life performance  and from everything I can see and find, (being from Canada, it's fairly difficult for me to make a live show for The Show.) they kick ass! Thus, I welcome them to the illustrious halls of Chitty's List! Woot!!

3. Ideal Zero

Another amazing female fronted band. Love. Love. Love. This is an amazing acoustic song here and I think you will all dig it. If you don't, then go away. I don't want you in my presence. Nah, I'm kidding. Come back. Don't be like that. Geez.

2. Kingsfoil

Easily made it on the list. Kingsfoil is amazing music. I just dig it. Catchy, classic and fun. These are the kinds of peoples I wanna get drunk with and end up in jail some where around Vegas wondering what happened and why I have a pet skunk. I'll name him Smiley. 

1. Eye Empire

I first got introduced to Eye Empire by Shatterline (Click here) and I instantly was hooked. These guys are beyond amazing and they need to b e heard by everyone. Pass them on to at least 3 people a day. I mean it. Or else. 

Hope you enjoyed, as usual if you like any of the bands here, let me know via email or twitter and please please please support these bands. Buy the music, follow them on twitter and facebook. We must support the music for the music to keep inspiring us! While you're at it give me ads a click and help support me! I would love to keep writing new stuff every day and not be limited to my free time. Thanks again for coming, see you all for the Saturday Top 10!

Happy hunting

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