I asked on twitter if people were bored with this, and they said no. So, here is another fantastic list of bands that need way more recognition than they get. I hope you enjoy!
5. The Years www.facebook.com/WeAreTheYear
4. The Fallen Drakes - www.facebook.com/thefallendrakes
My good twitter buddy @Stewielove30 pointed these guys out to me. Some good ol' Irish rock for ya. In all seriousness, I love this band. I listened to 'Desert night' about 10 times while writing this and I'll be picking up the album as soon as I can, and I highly suggest, no, I tell you that you MUST buy this album. Listen to Chitty, he'll never set you wrong.
3. Darling Parade - www.facebook.com/darlingparade
Generally not my usual style of music, but Darling Parade has a sense of genuine love of music that I found it intoxicating and had to put them on this list. The music video was extremely well done and the song is catchy. Their fan bases is growing so get on it now and you can tell everyone how you listened to Darling Parade before they became famous. :-D
2. The Persevering Promise - www.facebook.com/theperseveringpromiseband
Damn I love twitter. Seriously, I have been introduced to more amazing bands every damn day and these guys fit that bill. Totally fills that deep need for awesome metal sounds. Good and hard, great vocals, great screams makes my little metal heart cry in happiness. So yea, enjoy!!
1. Shatterline - www.facebook.com/shatterline
More women singers. I cannot say this enough. Shatterline is no exception. I'd love to see more music on Youtube (Yes, I'm a Youtube addict...) but this song is awesome. I give my Seal of Chitty Approval (official seal coming. No, really.) I tell you that you must like them. MUST!
One more Friday come and gone hell yes. I hope you all enjoyed the list, don't forget to pass it along, tweet me, email me, suggest me some more amazing bands and come back tomorrow for the Top 10!!
Happy hunting,
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