There are so many amazing people I didn't put on the list, but really, I can only do so much in 10 names, so I give the ones that at this current moment I would love to party with. Who would you party with? Leave a comment or tweet me, let me know!
10. Adam D. - Killswitch Engage - Bassist (Among other things...)
As usual, I ask a friend who she would want to party with, and after a few moments she said, "Adam D.!!" Perfect, why? "Because he's really funny and would be awesome to party with! ... And he's a pervert!" Well, hell, that's good enough for me dammit. Adam D, you are here by invited to my amazing BBQ party of artists. you bring a fruit tray, and no hitting on my woman.
9. Michael Bublé - Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Canadian Asskicker
A good old Canadian boy from British Columbia who loves hockey, music and having a great time. Seriously, every interview I've ever seen with him, he comes across as a down to earth fun guy who I bet would be awesome at beer pong. Michael, you are also invited, you must bring a cheese tray though.
8. Dimebag Darrell - Guitarist for amazing bands. (R.I.P)
Taken from us by an asshole, this man will always be in my list of people I want to party with. Love for good drinks, women and strip clubs. He is the ultimate party man. You know your an amazing person when you have touched so many people in so many different ways. Sir, you will be missed and we will all drink to your name, and watch some strippers.
7. Care Failure - Die Manneqiun - Singer, Guitarist
Bringing back that old school punk feel, Care Failure is a goddess of the scene. Also, another amazing Canadian. BOOYA! She screams like she would be a blast. A great way to bring back those days of old, when I and my friends were reckless, fun and probably doing things that shoulda killed us. Ah, those were the days. Care Failure, here's your invite. Please bring a late night snack, preferably some nachos, or crackers and meat tray. Thank you.
6. Toby Keith - Musician, Actor
Ok, the first one to say, 'but he's country!' gets pimp slapped across the head. Toby Keith isn't country. He's an ass kicker with a guitar that 'HAPPENS' to get played on country stations. Yea, that's my story. In all seriousness, this man is awesome. Any one who sings 'I'll never smoke weed with Willy again' gets an automatic invite from me. You sir, are an icon. Don't ever change. your invite is in the mail, and you are in charge of beer, but it must be Canadian beer. Just sayin'.
5. Hugh Dillon - Headstones - Musician, Actor
Every time I see Hugh Dillon I hear the chant from the Back Alley in Calgary, "HEADSTOOOOONES" If you never saw the Headstones live in Calgary, you should be ashamed. ASHAMED I say. I could just imagine the stories he would have. it would be awesome to just kick back around a fire pit and listen. You, Hugh Dillon are invited and are in charge of entertainment. Make it good.
4. Lights - Musician
"OMG, another Canadian on this list? WTF Chitty..." Oh, I can hear it now, but hey, it;s my list. Don't like it, leave! Muhahaha. I choose to invite Lights because she kicks ass, looks like she would be one hell of an awesome party goer AND shes a gaming geek. You can't go wrong with that combo in my opinion. Lights, your invite is waiting for pick up. you are in charge of decorations and lighting. (See what I did there? Come on, that's some funny shit.)
3. Henry Rollins - Musician, Spoken Word Artist, Actor
You are damn right I am inviting this man. Every great party has that one guy who can rant on anything and make you listen to every word. This is the man for that job. He commands respect, and looks like he'll pound you if you don't listen to him, even worse, he's extremely intelligent. Invite is waiting, but Mr. Rollins, you don't need to bring anything. You kinda scare me.
2. Serj Tankian - S.O.A.D - Artist, Singer, Writer
That guy who makes the end of the night amazing. Everything starts chillin' out, someone's passed out with felt marker all over their face and a group sits around a camp fire listening to Serj talk about cool shit that only Serj can. Must have for my party. Serj, you are in charge of fire wood and matches. Welcome to the party.
And the number one person who MUST attend my BBQ.
1. 'Weird Al' Yankovic - Awesomeness in a polka rich goodness.
Really, who else could even compare with him? NO ONE, that's who. He is the man. I grew up listening to him, learning all the words to his songs and he helped expand my sense of humor. His movies and music videos are of epic epicness and he cannot be beaten. Hell, he's still going!! A career the length of which any pop star would sell their soul for, he has succeeded. Not to mention he'd be awesome fun at the BBQ. So good sir, for being number one, you do not need to bring anything except your accordion. Maybe sing me a little diddy.
There we have it folks! One awesome BBQ. Now, to figure a way to get them all to come...
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