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Flux Top 10: Favorite Fuck You Songs in Metal

So here we are again my friends! Sitting in front of my computer, listening to TONS of songs trying to select out my favorite ones for this weeks list. I can tell you now, this is one hell of a tough list to do, there are so many songs that embody what I'm looking for. So this really comes down to the raw emotion in the lyrics or the music and trying not to use a band I used in the last Top 10.

The rules are simple. I pick the songs, I do a write up and you read about it. I do highly suggest buying the songs listed as they are amazing and if you don't have them, you need to get them. If you disagree with what I've put down, or think you know of a better song, post a comment, send an email with a blurb, but make sure to back up your song with thoughts, don't just give me a song and leave it at that. Tell me why it's better.

With that, ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages, I bring to you;

Flux Top 10: Favorite Fuck You Songs in Metal.

10. One Minute Silence - "Price of the King's Ticket" (One Lie Fits All Album)

My close friend Jeff pointed this out to me, and I completely forgot about this song. (One Lie Fits All was a great album, but not one I listen to on a regular basis.) It works so well. It carries more of a political feel to it but the sentiments are quite clear.
"Insignificant little shit, Save your breath, you're nothing more. High enough to know your nothing new. I hate your fucking, hate your fucking, Nothing."
Hard pounding, emotion filled words. I mean, if there's a better way to open this, I fail to see it. God, this song is fantastic. 'Scuse me while I go pump "Fish Out of Water" for the 1,000th time.

9. Reel Big Fish - "Another F.U. Song" (Monkeys for NOTHIN' and the... Album)

This is my, yes I know it's not metal but COME ON, this is perfect!! song. Once again, a thank you goes out to Jeffy. He's always good at these lists. Maybe I'll make him write one some time soon... Anyways, yes, Reel Big Fish. This song is the shit. If you disagree, you may leave quietly. I wont mind.
"Fuck everything, But fuck you the most. Fuck everyone, But fuck you the most, With a big rusty pole or a splintery post. Fuck you the most, fuck you."
I don't really think I need to elaborate on this any more. The chorus kinda does that for me. You know, fuck you the most... The splintery post thought kinda makes me cringe, that would hurt like a mofo to pull out.
Get me the peroxide and the hose. It's gonna be a long night...

8. Sick Puppies - "You're Going Down" (Tri-Polar Album)

I had a minor obsession with this album when I first heard it. Not gonna lie there. This song sparked that intrigue. Great song, makes you want to go up to your nemesis kick him/her in the shins, spit in their hair and run away giggling like a school girl. hell, in fact, I wish I had a nemesis just to do that... Any volunteers? 
"Because I'm hyped up, outta control, if it's a fight, I'm ready to go, I wouldn't put my money on the other guy if you know what I know that I know."
I picked these lines because they just sound awesome on the song. The whole song puts you in a fuck yeah lets fight! Or, at least bitch slap each other for a while until we get tired and go for a beer after. Either way, good times for all!

7. Tool - "Ticks and Leeches" (Lateralus Album)

Yes, this is again, an older album, but damn it fits so well! The way the song goes from hard, to soft, melodic then BAM back in your face. Love it all.
"Hope this is what you wanted. Hope this is what you had in mind. 'Cuz this is what you're getting.I hope you're choking. I hope you choke on this."
 So much hate there. Shivers you to the bone I tells ya. Not to mention the mental images of ticks and leeches on you. Crawling in ur skin, eating you... BRB I need to go bathe in scolding water.. just to make sure.

6. Damageplan - "Fuck You" (New Found Power Album)

I cannot make any list without throwing a little Dimebag in there. (RIP) Plainly, the title really says it all. I can't even really say much more about this besides giving it a 'LAWL yea. That says it all.'
"Fuck your power trip and fuck your attitude and fuck your bloated ego too. Fuck your history, your tragedy, your misery but most of all, motherfucker fuck you."
I do get the feeling their talking about someone specific in this song... Hmmm... Power trips? Attitude? Ego? Umm, shit, it's me... Dammit!

5. Ghost Machine - "Sheltered" (Hypersensitive Album)

For those spurned by love, spit on by a person who needs to rot in hell, I give you "Sheltered." The end of the song really covered what he means by the song I figure. You should check it out.
"Fuck you for all your bullshit, all of your drama and your fucking games."
Given, I could be mistaken on the meaning of the song. It is possible, I'm not really studying every finer line of the song. So maybe it's about a person who stole a parking spot. Maybe tripped him, making him drop his ice cream. Shit, I could come up with a million ideas.

4.  Five Finger Death Punch - "100 Ways to Hate" (American Capitalist Album)

Good Old FFDP. Even the band name seems to fit into this Top 10! I was originally going to put in 'Hate Me'. but changed it at the last minute to this one. Something about the lyrics seemed to fit so well.
"I hate you and all you stand for. I don't care anymore. I gave you 100 chances you gave me a hundred ways to hate."
Yeah, I went with the chorus. the verses contain better examples but I like to leave a little suspense for you guys. Trust me, if your feeling angry, you wanna check this one out.

3. Godsmack - "Cryin' Like a Bitch!" (Oracle Album)

Really, it was this, or "I Fuckin' Hate You." I went with the less obvious choice. Heh. Love this song, great album, shows a more mature, 'you know, fuck you, but you're not worth my time.' I dig it.
"And so you tell me I can take my chances, but I told you one too many times and you were cryin' like a bitch."
Just some gold old fashion you're a waste of skin. not to mention making fun of a dude for crying like a bitch. I mean, that's always fun. Regardless of who you are.

2. Infectious Grooves - Violent & Funky (Groove Family Cyco Album)
Granted, not REALLY a fuck you song per se. However, it's got a great, I wanna fight, I hate you feel and vibe. Not to mention the fact that it is an amazing song. So, deal with it.
"Sticks and stones may break some bones, but a .357 gonna blow your damn head off. You take the pen, and I'll take the sword and you can write some shit 'til I cut your fucking head off."
Yeeeeaaaaaaahhhh. Makes me feel all violent. You know... and funky. Great bass lines, riffs, lyrics mixture of sick, funny and in your face. Needed to be on this list.

Finally, the Number 1 Favorite Fuck You Song in Metal! 

1. Slipknot - "Surfacing" (Self-Titled Album)

 Really, if you didn't see this one coming from me, then we never went to high school together. Without a doubt one of the best fuck you songs out there.
"Fuck it all! Fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don't belong, don't exsist, don't give a shit, don't ever judge me!"
'Nuff said. I'm out.
But seriously, this song embodies all the raw hatred and emotions that can flow when you're seeing red, and ready to go. Awesome song for those days.


Ok, now I know there's a million other songs I forgot, or I should have added. Throw them in the comments section, I might add them to a future addendum list. Also, I'm looking for more ideas for top 10s, doesn't have to be metal related, I listen to a lot of shit. Follow me on twitter, email me, sign up for updates when I post new blogs, stalk me or punch me in the face. Either way, have a great day, see you next week!

twitter: @chitty_b