iTunes Canada

Friday Top 5: Bands You Need To listen to Pt. 2

It's time to go back and continue the list I started last month. 5 more amazing bands that need to be heard and shared by the world. Pay attention, listen, learn and pass it on for everyone! Don't forget to check out part one and everything else going on!

5. Prosevere -

Holy hot damn. These guys kill it. I absolutely love the sound of the music and the vocals/lyrics are epic in an unexpected way. These guys are killer. take a listen and fall in love with some good rock & roll.
-I also love the singers hair. That's some tight shit there. Just sayin'.

So, I got a soft spot for female fronted bands, but New Years Day definitely doesn't need it because they are epic at what they do. A concert I would love to go to and a band I would love to interview. (Hook me up dammit!) So plunk your ass down and enjoy!

3. Falling Through April -

These guys just seem chilled to me. Great tight sound, good stage presence and some great songs. Put them on your lists and be grateful to hear some fantastic music! Tell 'em Chitty sent ya. I like to be known. It's a horrible affliction I have. Don't know what else to say...

2. 3 Pill Morning -

Now they have a fairly decent following so far, but dammit, they deserve more. They got a catch sound and I enjoy listening to it so you will too. If you don't, I will hunt you down and take out your knee caps. I'm Canadian, I'm crazy like that. Anyways, give them love, watch the videos over and over and buy the music!

1. Man on earth -

I'm positive that if I didn't include this band on this list a bunch of my twitter followers would abandon me, hunt me down and skin me alive. So without a doubt, they are my number 1. I love this song especially. It's great the band is amazing and they are without a doubt the most active social media band out there. They not only listen to their fans but try their damnedest to reply to all of them. Great guys, great music. Show them your love.

So there we have it. A great list, but still so many more bands to go over. If you can think of bands that need love, hit me up on twitter, facebook, email or comment on this blog and let me know! I absolutely love listening to new music and finding new amazing bands.


Flux Top 10: Songs that matter to me

This weeks Top 10 is going to hit a little closer to home. My Top 10 songs. personal, Top 10. Well, ok, i can do way more then 10 but this is a good start anyways. As usual, I'm going to give you all the information in as little time as possible, and I hope you enjoy. Don't forget to check out last weeks list Top 10 Pre-Party Songs

10. Dope - 'Sing' (Group Therapy Album)

Starting off the list is thins fantastic song by Dope. It has a beautiful feel and message to it. Sometimes, you gotta just sing. For whatever reason, sing just to let it all go. I can relate to this. Also helps cheer me up when I get down some.

9. Fair To Midland - 'Amarillo Sleeps on my Pillow' (Arrows & Anchors Album)

Fair To Midland is a band that blows me away. Every aspect of this band is amazing. The range of the vocals are ridiculous. this was the first released song from Arrows & Anchors and they teased it out early. I listened, I heard and I fell in love. Didn't even breath until the song ended. Love it.

8. Black Eyed Peas Feat. Papa Roach - 'Anxiety' (Elephunk Album) 

One of those songs I came across back in the day during my teenage angst days where I needed something to help pull me through and this song had a little something in it that reminded me what it means to fight. Why you should never back down.

 7. All That Remains - 'Faithless' (For We Are Many Album)

If you don't like this song, then you hate music. There. I said it. Booya. Just listen and feel the lyrics, it's one of those songs that resonates through your bones. Such an awesome song.

6. Times of Grace - 'Forgotten One' (The Hymn of a Broken Man Album)

OK, the opening riff I love, I mean, it sounds amazing and kinda reminds me of the opening to Firefly TV series, which, I absolutely love. then you get into the song and magically you are transformed into it. If you cannot relate to this song, or have a moment in your life where it's true, then I'm fairly sure you are an alien. Or a robot.

5. Demon Hunter - 'One Thousand Apologies' (The Triptych Album)

Another one like 'Forgotten One'. This song just reminds me of so many times in my life. Thinking back, I'm positive it's songs like this that helped em through my most difficult days. Must have song, by a must have band.

4. Taproot - 'Poem' (Welcome Album)

If you heard this song, you either love it, or you really love it. Taproot is an amazing band who hit a personal note with song. The chorus grabs you, holds you and forces you to remember that you live life for yourself. Sometimes, you just need to write a poem to yourself. For yourself.

3. Bobby Gaylor - 'Suicide'  (Fuzzationic Scream)

At the lowest point on my life this song broke me down. Something about Bobby's way of talking,h is words, his ideas and thoughts hit me like a ton of bricks and my life seemed a little brighter. things made a little more sense. Of course, i'm also a wuss but yea. One of the greatest songs I know.

2. Dust Brothers - 'This is Your Life' (Fight Club Soundtrack)

Around the same time as the last song there was this one. Given, it's really only taking quotes from the movie, but the messages of that movie, short of when Tyler goes a little too far, holds true. You can't let the things you own in life, own you. You are not the things you own, you are not your wallet, you are not you effin khakis.

1. Tool - 'Parabola' (Lateralus Album)

The number one spot, goes to the number one song. So much has happened around this song, so many memories good and bad. This one is shared by my long time friend Cindy. This is her song. her struggles and her will to move on, to succeed and to stay positive. Greatest song by the greatest band.

So there we have it. A beautiful list. I like this one. Anyways, stay tuned for more great lists and stuff, hopefully a new band profile coming up soon, don't forget to check out my profile on Katie Rox she is doing an amazing fundraiser and there is still time to help out!

Happy hunting,

Friday Top 5: Favorite Youtube Musicians Pt. 2

Oh yes, going to continue this one. More great artists who are doing amazing things. Don't forget to check out last weeks Top 5 and come back tomorrow for the Weekly Top 10!

He has be vlogging, rapping and skittin' on Youtube for a long long time. He has his own style and doesn't apologize for it. Worth checking out for sure. He's got some great skits too! Worth subbing up to, worth spending a day watching his videos. All in all, worth it.

A gentleman who does parody videos. he has an awesome voice and some great concepts. Definitely check him out and show some love. Good stuff here.

First saw these two amazing guys in 'Internet Icon' web series and they are epic. They've honed their ability to bring out such emotion in a song, it's uncanny. So, they do both covers, and originals. I've linked their latest cover but I highly suggest watching their 'Internet Icon' videos. They came up with some amazing songs.

Time to get your geek on. Hiimrawn brings an amazing rap style to geek songs. Great beats, great raps.  Not to mention he gets some awesome youtube stars to cameo and act in the videos. Check out his Mario gets played too. Seriously, love this guy.

She was in the finals for 'Internet icon' and I thought she was mostly vlog related. But, upon further investigation, ok, further stalking of her channel... I found out not only can she sing, but she can freakin' SING! She is awesome, and completely deserves to be at the top of this list. Check it, love it. her vlogs and skits are awesome too. All in all, she rocks.

Thanks again for checkin out the list, who you enjoyed. If you have suggestions for further lists, people I missed or anything you wanna say, leave it in the comments or email me. Got some great stuff coming, don't forget to follow me on twitter, facebook and all that jazz.
~Happy hunting

Flux Top 10 - Pre-Party Songs

If you all are like me, before you hit the bar, or party you got music cranked as your getting ready. No depressing tunes, nothing to bring down the start of the night. After all, you have a killer party lined up and you gotta get pumped for it. Gotta be ready for one hell of a good night. So, in order to get in the right mind set, you need some songs to get you going. These are some of my favorites, old school and new songs that get me going. Don't forget to check out the last Top 10 and yesterdays Top 5!

10. Disturbed - 'Shout 2000'

Fantastic cover song, and has all the right ingredients to get you ready for a night of childish abandon over a beer or two. Must have on any party list. Also really reminds me of back in the day. Brings back that day when I wasn't too old to do stupid shit. Oh how I miss those days.

9. Drowning Pool - 'Step Up'

Not only a killer song from The Punisher Soundtrack but a killer song to get the pulse running. It has the perfect mix of lyrics and hard hitting sound. Well done. Well done. *In full disclosure, it was a fight between this song and 'Dead bodies' both are amazing and work well for this list.

8. Bif Naked - 'Love Myself Today'

This is one of those going out to a bar after a break up songs. Gotta get your grove on without letting anything touch you. Regardless what happens, you are a king, a queen, a master of your own destiny. WOOT! PARTY!!

7. Rob Zombie - 'Feel So Numb'  

In reality, any Rob Zombie song works to get you ready for the night. This one holds a special place though as every weekend at the Back Alley in Calgary Cindy and I would hear it and rock out like stupid mofos on the dance floor. Yes. Good times with a great song.

6. Buckcherry - 'Crazy Bitch'

A good, old fashion song made for one reason. To get you moving. Get you partying and get you to remember to watch out for bitches. They be crazy. I'm just saying. No, really. They are. Don't even try to argue with me on that one. It's gotta be true. They wrote a song about it!

5. Rev Theory - 'Hell Yeah'

Not only perfect for getting ready to party, but the perfect song to start off the party. Such an epic, epic song. first time I heard it was on my iPod, downtown Calgary and I started banging my head and strutting along the streets. The people thought I was nuts. Maybe I was.... Hard to tell these days.

4. Die Mannequin - 'Bad Medicine'

This song got mad play on X92.9 in Calgary and man, did it deserve it. This is a party song for the ages. Perfect use of a bullhorn, perfect use of melody and an awesome hard rock sound. Give me more. Would love to see this band live. I can only imagine the insanity there. One hell of a good party.

3. Korn Feat. Skrillex - 'Narcissistic Cannibal'

I went onto Twitter, and asked what songs people like to listen to and @Nourhanahmed26 (who, btw is a fantastic person, very active on twitter, so you better go follow her.) said she loves this song, and I agree. Completely. Great song to get ready for a party and for that reason, holds the #3 spot on the list! 

2. Static X - 'Push It'

Anyone who followed the metal scene back in 1999-2000 ish knows this song and if they have any taste at all loves it. my beautiful wife (@girl_named_mike) came up with this when I posed the Top 10 list to her and to me, this one demands the #2 spot. It is perfect for this list. If you don't know why, then Youtube this song, listen to it then go buy the album because you must have it.

1. In This Moment - 'Blood'

This is my #1 right now. I'm seriously addicted to this song and it has the perfect pre-party vibe going on. Another one of those, yea, you suck, so I'm going to go party and forget all about you songs. Damn I love this song! I'm going to include the music video for it, watch it.

And there we have another Top 10! Don't forget to sub up, throw me your email, follow me on twitter come back again and spend some time going over my other lists and blog posts. I hope you enjoy them. Come back later on this week, I have some killer stuff coming up this week
Happy hunting!

Friday Top 5: Favorite Youtube Musicians Pt. 1

Ah this is an awesome list filled with some amazing artists. Their main focus is on Youtube, and there is so many amazing artists out there and Youtube has become such an amazing vehicle for people. Both in mainstream availability and success on the internet. Hell, I know Youtube is the next step for this blog. One day. One day. So, in honor of the amazing ability of the internet, here are my top 5 absolute favorite Youtube stars. If you don't subscribe to them, do it. Now. Trust me. These folks are amazing.

5. Alphacat - 'I'm Gonna Win!!'

So, I've followed Aphacat for a long time now. This guy is amazing. I chose to go with his Barack Obama spoof for the video, but he nails a mean Drake spoof and his original stuff is ridiculously amazing. He is talented in so many facets that it makes me sick, but I respect this man completely. Alphacat, if you read this, let me do an interview with you. That would be epic.

4. RealityChangers - 'I Won't Give Up' Cover

OK, Jerge Narvaez is seriously a man of great and amazing talent and inspiration. (See this complete article about him here. No, really, click here, you need to read this article.) I really can't convey the words to describe how amazing this family is. Just, watch, listen, read and fall in love. They need way more love then what they get now, and they get a lot of love on Youtube.

3. Lindseystomp - 'Transcendence' 

With over 115 million views on her channel, she is a serious star, and for extremely great reasons. Beautiful, talented and she comes across as the sweetest girl in the world. you can't help but love this lady when you watch her videos. She has done so much and accomplished tons. Check out her channel and fall in love. You will not be disappointed, I absolutely swear.

2. Vkgoeswild - 'Toxicity'

I had a huge internal argument with myself over what song to post of hers. She has done some amazing piano covers of some amazing metal songs. I narrowed down the list between Toxicity and 3 Libra's. The latter really got me the first time I watched her play it so that's what I went with. If you have a few hours to watch some amazing piano playing, hunker down with a coffee and watch all of her videos. She is amazing.

1. Karmin - 'Lighters'

The ultimate creation between hip hop, contemporary, acoustic,  and amazing-uh.. ness. These two have ti all. Everything you could want in an amazing band. Sex appeal, sound, musical ability. Sit back and enjoy some amazing songs. While you're at it, check out their original stuff, old covers, interviews, EVERYTHING. Tell 'em Chitty sent ya.

Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed the videos I included. follow me on twitter, like me on facebook, email me, sub up for updates and come back tomorrow for the Top 10! Also, don't forget to check out my interview with Katie Rox and last weeks band review

Happy hunting,


Live Band Review: Kill Devil Hill

Band: Kill Devil Hill
Venue: The Vat Red Deer
Cost: $35.00 at the door

Let's take a look at Kill Devil Hill for a minute. We have Rex brown on bass (Member of Pantera and Down) Vinny Appice on drums (Black Sabbath, Dio and heaven and Hell) Mark Zavon on guitars and Dewey Bragg bringing the vocals. This is a musicians supergroup. Awesome name and more importantly they bring the noise people want to hear. 

Now, I would love to tell you about the opening bands, which from the photos and people I talked to kicked ass, but seeing as i nor my friend who I was out drinking with had planned on seeing a live band until we found ourselves outside the Vat at 11:30, we never saw the opening acts. (Say sorry.) So, after enjoying some PBR beer (I mean, why not. If they sell it, sure! Nice little retro feel to the night.) So after sitting around and waiting, looking at some amazing beautiful women Kill Devil Hill takes the stage and damn! The crowd of 100? ish people erupt into a Kill Devil Hill chant. The energy being put out by this small club was amazing.

Anyways, picking back up on my story, the band comes out, the crowd goes nuts and Kill Devil Hill starts busting out some hard hitting, thick and heavy music that immediately gets my head moving. the crowd starts moving with the music and from then on for almost an hour and a half we are all treated to a beautiful musical set of heavy metal. Just enough of a old Pantera style mixed with a contemporary sound that the genre is missing I've gotta say, this show was epic and I highly suggest catching Kill Devil Hill as soon as you can in these smaller venues.

The person that stood out to me was Dewey Braggs. his vocals were tight, the lyrics were awesome and more importantly he knew how to play to the crowd. It might have been a smaller place, no more then 300 at max capacity, but he had the energy, and passion as if he was playing to 15,000 strong. The crowd interaction by all members of the band was awesome to see. Even right at the end of the night Vinny gets the mic and tells the crowd they're all staying at the Ramada Room 666 and everyone's invited to trash the place. Of course the metalheads go nuts over this, but to me, it was this interaction with the crowd makes me remember why I love smaller shows. Right up close to these amazing musicians everyone sweating and having one hell of a good time.

On a separate note, I must give a kudos to Of Thorn & Vine Promotions and the staff at the vat. They were without a doubt some of the best people I've ever seen. The bouncers let people have a great time but never let it get too out of control. If someone up in the pit was causing trouble, or putting people at risk, they were in there at a snap of a finger and had the situation under control immediately. It was phenomenal to watch. The staff interacted with the clientele made everyone feel welcome. Without a doubt an awesome place that I will be going back to again and again.

Final Verdict:
Must see show at a must go venue. If you're into metal and love live shows this is the place to go.

All I got left to say, Of Thorn & Vine Productions, next time you got a killer show, throw me a press pass so I can get some killer interviews with the bands!

Again, thanks for checking this out, don't forget to stay tuned later for my Top 10 and check out all the other things I got on the go with the sidebar to the left.


Friday Top 5: Songs that should be Metalized

As I have a very diverse taste in music, I often find myself listening to a song thinking, 'Damn, this would be epic if covered by (Insert hard rock/Metal band here). So, In a fantastic list, I've compiled 5 songs I feel should be metalized. Or at least made into a killer cover. Oh before I forget, please remember to check out my Artist Profile all about the beautiful talented Katie Rox (Click Here) Without further ado, here is your Friday top 5!!

5. Lady Gaga Feat. Beyonce - 'Telephone'
Yea, this is one of those metal versions I think could just be great fun. Maybe even made into a punk version. That would pretty damn cool too. nothing too serious, just a song to have fun with. I'm thinking covered by Metallica or Pennywise.

4. Alicia Keys - 'Fallin' 
I have been in love with this song for the longest time. Hell, it's a sexy song sung by a sexy lady. I seriously believe adding a nice hard rock feel would bring an amazing level of depth to this song. In my mind, Amy Lee should do this cover. That would be hot.

3. Royce Da 5'9" feat. Eminem - 'Fastlane'
Another song I can't get enough of. really, deep down I'm an Eminem fan boy and Royce is an amazing rapper and writer. This song has the speed and sound to make for one killer track done by Mike Shinoda and Corey Taylor done over a thick and heavy Slipknot track. Hell yes.

2. Tupac ft. Outlawz - 'Staring Through My Rearview'
If there is one song to epitomize my rap days it's this song. I absolutely love this track. This needs to get covered by Crossfade or Fair to Midland. My life would then be complete.

1. Rihanna - 'Russian Roulette'
Already primed song with a nice guitar riff. Needs to be sped up, thickened with some amazing bass and drums, maybe a killer solo added. Machine Head style. Yes. That would be mind blowing. So, if you're reading this and are close friends with Robert Flynn, get on it!!

*Worth Mentioning*

The Lonely Island - 'I Just Had Sex'
Yeah, this song. Covered by Papa Roach. Epic. 'Nuff said.

And another Friday has come and gone! I want to thank you all for reading, and coming back to check out the lists! Stay tuned for tomorrows top 10 list and remember to follow me on twitter, email me any questions comments or suggestions.

Happy hunting!

Artist Profile: Katie Rox

Name: Katie Rox
What she does: Vocals, music, lyrics, produces, creates, everything really.
From: Airdre, AB now residing in Vancouver, BC
Albums released: 2 album under Jakalope, 2 albums under Katie Rox and 1 EP with Sebastien from Simple Plan
  • 2004: It Dreams
  • 2006: Born 4
  • 2008: High Standards
  • 2009: Searchlight
  • 2011: Pony Up

*All pictures related to Katie Rox were borrowed from her website*

So a little personal back story here. I first heard Katie sing as the voice of an amazing band called Jakalope back in 2004. The song was 'Pretty Life' and I was at the hospital waiting for my eldest son to be born. (There were complications so we were in the hospital for a month before he was born.) I was watching MuchMusic and saw the video and was completely blown away by her voice. So, I took a stroll over to the mall across the street and bought the album. From then on you could call me a Katie-fan.

Her lyrics are passionate, in depth and full of personality. Her voice resonates with innocence and a sultry side that is rarely heard these days. (See my Top 10 Most Romantic Songs list) She plays a mean guitar, has amazing stage presence and is the most down to earth, humble individual you will ever meet. Oh yea, she's absolutely beautiful too. Just wanted to throw that in.

But, enough gushing, I had a chance to ask her some questions and I've compiled one hell of a artist profile. Enjoy! Oh yeah and be sure to check out the end for a special announcement on something epic from Katie Rox!

2 Minute Bio:

Born and raised in Alberta (woot for home province peoples!) She developed a love for music early.
"My older sister was in singing lessons and I wanted to do everything she wanted to do, so I took lessons too.  I didn't really like it at first as I was really shy (cried at my first recital!) but then I did my first singing competition and got first place!  After that, it was all I ever did and wanted to do!"
From there she was working reception at The Warehouse Studio where she met Dave "Rave" Ogilvie and after one song he hired her on the spot to front a new project band called 'Jakalope'
 I was asked if I might be interested (in auditioning for jakalope) and then I was given an instrumental track to see what I'd do with it.  I took it home, wrote on it, and then went into the studio and sang it.  That song evolved into "Don't Cry" - track here
Found success here in Canada and especially overseas in Japan. Did 2 albums with Jakalope then decided to part company and develop her own sound. She then released 3 albums under Katie Rox and is 'Flying high' (heh) playing shows all around and doing epic things.

One-On-One Question Time!

During the Jakalope days, you did vocals, lyrics, melodies and worked with some huge names in the industry. What was the one biggest lesson you carried on from those days?

I learned so many lessons I don't even know where to start.  I had always been working on music, but this was my first "big time" gig, so I learned the ropes of being on a band with a label, learned about professionally touring (had not done that before) interviews, working with a heavy band (was doing acoustic music myself prior to joining the band) was all one giant learning curve!
Since 2008 you have released 3 albums, (4 including 'Christmas Etc.' EP) Out of all those songs, which is or are your favorite songs? And why?

Other side from my project with Sebastien is hands down one of my favorite songs I've ever been a part of.  I love that song!  Seb is also a such a good friend, it was so fun to collaborate together.  I also really love "Airplane" as it just really means a lot to me.
What's your hidden talent or something you want to know how to do before you die?

Ha!  I don't really have any hidden talents. If I can do something - I don't  make it a secret!
You spent quite a lot of time over in Japan, as documented on Youtube (I will link the videos here) Describe that experience and why you were there.

 I went to Japan in 2011 to play some shows.  I hadn't been there since I was in Jakalope, and was really waiting for the opportunity to go when it finally presented itself.  I went to another Vancouver artist, Danny Echo.  Japan is an amazing place - I fell in love the first time I went and can not wait to go again and again and again!
Between travel, family, a shit ton of live shows and a cat, what do you to relax and chill? To focus your inner chi, if you will?
To chill - I go to Hawaii...or dream about going to Hawaii!  Haha seriously, I have been obsessed with Hawaii since I was little, long before I ever got the chance to go. About 5 years ago I finally went and it was even better than I imagined.  I go every year.  Aha!  I just thought of a hidden talent - I am very good at finding travel deals.  :)
Social media is a huge part of your interaction with fans. Have you had any horrible experiences yet? Terrible stories about in internets? Anything?

 I can't think of any particular horrible incidents on the internet...I find sometimes the internet can be a little too invasive, and of course it always sucks to read when someone says something nasty, but that's just part of it!  Most of the time think it's such a wonderful way to connect with people/fans and friends - not to mention the instant feedback.  As a solo artist, so much time is spent on my own, as I do everything myself.  When I am on twitter or other social media sites and am interacting with fans, it reminds me there is a great support system out there - seriously, I love you guys! 
If you could do a collaboration or album with one artist/band, who would that be? Why?

 I would LOVE to do an album with Butch Walker.  That guy is the BEST.  I saw him play in LA years ago when it was with his band the Marvelous 3 and I thought he was incredible then...I even got to meet him once when he mixed at the studio I was working at.  He called me his one Canadian fan...though I know that is not true!  Still, he was really nice.  It was really cool to meet him and to ever work with him would be a dream come true.
What's coming up for Katie Rox?

Released this update yesterday, Katie is performing in Calgary Sept. 30th for the CIBC Canadian Breast Cancer Run for the Cure. this is an amazing thing. Not just because she is performing main stage in my home town, but because she has decided to do a little fundraising for the run her self. This is an amazing venture put on by an amazing artist with some fantastic packages. PLEASE, check out this page, donate if you can and help out. If someone has enough to get the $500 show, you damn well better invite me. After all, I don't get paid for this shit.

Lastly, one of my favorite songs of all time, I give you, 'Feel it'.

Once again, thanks for checking this out, i hope you enjoy it. Hopefully more killer bands and artists will get back to me and I can start posting this more frequently. Don't forget to check out the last Band Profile: NeverWake follow me on twitter and email me! great top 10 and top 5's coming up so stay tuned.


Flux Top 10: Amazing Movie Soundtracks

Oh yeah, it's time for this one. So many amazing soundtracks out there, I narrowed it down to 10. These are soundtracks that have made an impact on my life for one reason or another. So, I hope you all enjoy! Stay tuned for next weeks list. Gonna be a good one dammit.

10. The Doors Soundtrack - 1991 film 'The Doors'

If you don't like The Doors, might as well un-friend me now. Don't even bother trying to argue with me about this, The Doors kick ass and this soundtrack does Justice. The only negative is none of Val Kilmer's performances of the songs were actually included in the soundtrack, but that doesn't change the fact that these are amazing songs that will be relevant for all time. So, come on and Light my fire. Know what I mean?

9. Back To The Future Soundtrack - 1985 film 'Back To The Future'

Yup. Any time you ever hear 'The Power of Love' by Huey Lewis and the News you think of this movie. Hell, every time I hear 'Johnny B. Goode' I relive the scene with Marty on guitar. Classic. Amazing. Excuse me while I Youtube that scene right now.

8. The Punisher Soundtrack - 2004 film 'The Punisher'

Ok, maybe not the greatest superhero movie ever, don't get me wrong, it's still WAY better then that Captain America movie from 1990, but still, pretty damn tame to what The Punisher should be. The soundtrack on the other hand was pretty damn good. from the return of Drowning Pool after the ill timed passing of Dave Williams with "Step Up" to the amazing acoustic song 'In Time' by Mark Collie it's a great listen that I still play often.

7. Heavy Metal 2000 Soundtrack - 2000 film 'Heavy metal 2000' or 'Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K2'

Back in the day, this was one of my first introduction to a lot of amazing bands. Monster Magnet, MDFMK, Coal Chamber, Full Devil Jacket. This soundtrack was flat out amazing. I also really liked the movie. Also, on the movie front, after a bunch of issues with making a 3rd installment, in 2011 Robert Rodriguez announced that he bought the film rights, so I'm really stoked for that.

6. Lords of Dogtown Soundtrack - 2005 film 'Lords of Dogtown'

A soundtrack that makes you wish you were there. Bottom line to this one. Nazareth, Ted Nugent, Deep Purple, Bowie, Iggy Pop, Black Sabbath. Seriously, you can not go wrong with this soundtrack. Although, just thinking about it now, I'm fairly sure that 'Iron Man' has been used in soundtracks more times than anything else. Well, except, 'Dracula'. That songs been EVERY WHERE.

5. Tron Legacy Soundtrack - 2010 film 'Tron: Legacy'

Now, I'm generally not a fan of Daft Punk, but I gotta say, this soundtrack blew my mind. BOOM! Gone. All over the walls, it was hideous. From start to finish this makes amazing background music. Listened to it all on a late night drive across to Saskatchewan, and seriously made some cool ass driving music at night. Must have, must buy. Get it now.

4. House of 1000 Corpses Soundtrack - 2003 film 'House of 1000 Corpses'

Rob Zombie knows music, knows movies and knows how to have a movie soundtrack embody the essence of a movie. This was epic good times. Between the awesome songs, the instrumentals and audio samples this is a must have. Kudos to you Mr. Zombie.

3. The Wall Soundtrack - 1982 film 'Pink Floyd - The Wall'

You may all be satisfied now. I have included possibly the greatest soundtrack of all time. Songs that amaze and stun me to this day with a movie that, well, let's face it, is kinda messed up. Great watch, music is timeless and I'm not gonna lie, 'Another Brick in the Wall Part 2' is a staple for my Karaoke parties. love singing that song.

2. Underworld Soundtracks - 2003-2012 films 'Underworld Series'

A collection of amazing music. Where to start... Wes Borland, Puscifer, Milla Jovovich, Skinny Puppy, APC, Amy Lee. That's just on the first movie. Fantastic remixes, perfect songs, killer artists spanning 4 movie soundtracks. That is epicness.

1. Resident Evil Soundtracks - 2002 - 2010 films 'Resident Evil Series'

I spent more time back in the day watching 'Fight Club' and 'Resident Evil' #1 then anything else, I'm fairly sure. Just ask my friend Cindy. Hell I'm pretty sure I can quote every line in those movies. Resident Evil musically was amazing. Marilyn Manson did such an amazing job in the film and the soundtrack matched it perfectly. As the years went on the soundtracks became more and more epic. This is #1 without a doubt. Check out these artists that helped out through the years; Slipknot, Marilyn Manson, Mudvayne, Killswitch Engage, Deftones, Rob Zombie, Flyleaf, It Dies Today, Nightwish, 36 Crazyfists, the list goes on and on. I gotta say 'Resident Evil: Apocalypse' was my favorite out of all of them. That album was perfect in my mind.

There we have the weekly list! Tune in next week as I talk Canadian Musicians I love to listen to and want to stalk! As usual, subscribe up, follow me on twitter and send me an e-mail if you have a new idea for a list!


Friday Top 5: Musical Numbers in Movies

Movies. Everyone loves them. My favorite are movies that have random musical numbers thrown in them. In good sport, here are my 5 most memorable moments, and as a twist I'll even add in the videos! Ohhh Chitty's actually doing something cool this time! Enjoy, and remember to come back tomorrow for the weekly Top 10! It also happens to be music related. Hmm... Theme week? Yes, it is.

5. Clerks II - 'ABC' Dance sequence. 

When Becky tries to teach Dante how to dance, not only did it start off with a sexy Rosario Dawson dancing but then it breaks out into an all out dance sequence. Doesn't matter if you're stoned or sober, that was epic. Well played Kevin Smith. Well played.

4. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - 'Twist and Shout'

Yea, this is classic. Must be on this list. Everyone loved this scene. If you didn't, go back, get really drunk and watch the movie again. You will love this. You must love this. Or else small baby unicorns die. Just saying.

3. Wayne's World - 'Bohemian Rhapsody' 

Again, if you love this movie as much as I did, it's impossible to listen to this song without head banging at that part. Oh yes, also, try to listen to it without humming the guitar riffs. Impossible. Enjoy the video and I'll shut up.

2. Hudson Hawk - 'Swinging on a Star'

Possibly Bruce Willis' most underrated movie. I mean, it's totally quirky and silly kinda stupid but man is it amazing. The subtle way they throw in musical references is beautiful. Also, Bruce is awesome at singing these songs. Between this one and also check out 'Side by Side'. Could just be nostalgia, but I love this movie.

1. Tank Girl - "Let's Do It"

My old boss got me hooked on this song a long time ago. It is so awesome. not only in the movie, but on the soundtrack to the movie Joan Jett and Paul Westerberg do an AMAZING punk cover version. Seriously, check it out and you will download it. Great song.

Hope you enjoyed the list, again sub up, check in often, follow me on twitter, comment below or send me an email!

Happy hunting!
