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Flux Top 10 - Pre-Party Songs

If you all are like me, before you hit the bar, or party you got music cranked as your getting ready. No depressing tunes, nothing to bring down the start of the night. After all, you have a killer party lined up and you gotta get pumped for it. Gotta be ready for one hell of a good night. So, in order to get in the right mind set, you need some songs to get you going. These are some of my favorites, old school and new songs that get me going. Don't forget to check out the last Top 10 and yesterdays Top 5!

10. Disturbed - 'Shout 2000'

Fantastic cover song, and has all the right ingredients to get you ready for a night of childish abandon over a beer or two. Must have on any party list. Also really reminds me of back in the day. Brings back that day when I wasn't too old to do stupid shit. Oh how I miss those days.

9. Drowning Pool - 'Step Up'

Not only a killer song from The Punisher Soundtrack but a killer song to get the pulse running. It has the perfect mix of lyrics and hard hitting sound. Well done. Well done. *In full disclosure, it was a fight between this song and 'Dead bodies' both are amazing and work well for this list.

8. Bif Naked - 'Love Myself Today'

This is one of those going out to a bar after a break up songs. Gotta get your grove on without letting anything touch you. Regardless what happens, you are a king, a queen, a master of your own destiny. WOOT! PARTY!!

7. Rob Zombie - 'Feel So Numb'  

In reality, any Rob Zombie song works to get you ready for the night. This one holds a special place though as every weekend at the Back Alley in Calgary Cindy and I would hear it and rock out like stupid mofos on the dance floor. Yes. Good times with a great song.

6. Buckcherry - 'Crazy Bitch'

A good, old fashion song made for one reason. To get you moving. Get you partying and get you to remember to watch out for bitches. They be crazy. I'm just saying. No, really. They are. Don't even try to argue with me on that one. It's gotta be true. They wrote a song about it!

5. Rev Theory - 'Hell Yeah'

Not only perfect for getting ready to party, but the perfect song to start off the party. Such an epic, epic song. first time I heard it was on my iPod, downtown Calgary and I started banging my head and strutting along the streets. The people thought I was nuts. Maybe I was.... Hard to tell these days.

4. Die Mannequin - 'Bad Medicine'

This song got mad play on X92.9 in Calgary and man, did it deserve it. This is a party song for the ages. Perfect use of a bullhorn, perfect use of melody and an awesome hard rock sound. Give me more. Would love to see this band live. I can only imagine the insanity there. One hell of a good party.

3. Korn Feat. Skrillex - 'Narcissistic Cannibal'

I went onto Twitter, and asked what songs people like to listen to and @Nourhanahmed26 (who, btw is a fantastic person, very active on twitter, so you better go follow her.) said she loves this song, and I agree. Completely. Great song to get ready for a party and for that reason, holds the #3 spot on the list! 

2. Static X - 'Push It'

Anyone who followed the metal scene back in 1999-2000 ish knows this song and if they have any taste at all loves it. my beautiful wife (@girl_named_mike) came up with this when I posed the Top 10 list to her and to me, this one demands the #2 spot. It is perfect for this list. If you don't know why, then Youtube this song, listen to it then go buy the album because you must have it.

1. In This Moment - 'Blood'

This is my #1 right now. I'm seriously addicted to this song and it has the perfect pre-party vibe going on. Another one of those, yea, you suck, so I'm going to go party and forget all about you songs. Damn I love this song! I'm going to include the music video for it, watch it.

And there we have another Top 10! Don't forget to sub up, throw me your email, follow me on twitter come back again and spend some time going over my other lists and blog posts. I hope you enjoy them. Come back later on this week, I have some killer stuff coming up this week
Happy hunting!